Month: November 29, 2022

Home November 2022

The Consequences of the Manufacturing Labor Shortage

The biggest challenge U.S. manufacturers face today is the acute labor shortage. Competition for skilled workers is fierce, and the skills gap grows yearly.  A March 2022 survey from Deloitte predicts a shortage of more than two million U.S. manufacturing workers by 2030, potentially leading to an opportunity cost of $1 trillion per year if…
Automating Your Manufacturing Environment Without Sticker Shock

Automating Your Manufacturing Environment Without Sticker Shock

How Robots-as-a-Service (RaaS) Can Speed Time to Value While Lowering Expenses Is CapEx an Outdated Automation Model? Until recently, automating your manufacturing environment meant expensive upfront costs to acquire equipment, not including software, training, maintenance, and service fees (or the CapEx model). When companies use the CapEx model to purchase technology, they are then responsible…