Month: December 21, 2022

Home December 2022

Why Automation is Key to Innovation

We often see in news headlines that automation is a major threat to jobs and a potential enemy of our financial well-being. However, this narrative fails to acknowledge the value of automation in improving our lives. Automation is a major force behind many modern innovations and associated industries. Unfortunately, the connection between automation and innovation…

Don’t Overlook These Benefits When Calculating Your ROI on Automation

Automation, especially in robotics and AI, has many advantages for enterprise organizations implementing advanced technology into their daily operations. The benefits of automation include time to value, improved accuracy, reliability, productivity, scalability, and enhanced employee morale.  But the benefits can be much more profound, might not be direct cost savings when calculating the ROI, and…

Five Strategies to Combat Manufacturing Labor Shortages

Many manufacturers struggle to find skilled labor for their manufacturing plants. According to the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 89% of manufacturers are having difficulty finding workers in the United States today. Not only is the labor shortage impacting businesses’ ability to hire, but it’s also stunting businesses’ ability to grow and meet production demands. Manufacturers…